The NCU honorary title of doctor honoris causa was awarded to Professor Norman Davies at the inauguration ceremony of the academic year 2019/2020, which took place on 1 October in the University Aula.
The event began with an inaugural speech by Professor Andrzej Tretyn, NCU Rector, who emphasized that the academic year 2019/2020 will be a special time for our University: – We are starting with a new structure of faculties, institutes and departments. We will implement the latest changes related to the reform of higher education and science, the regulations we have prepared and adopted in recent months will become effective for good – said the Rector. – We are waiting for decisions that will determine our future and position for a long time. Finally, we will celebrate anniversaries important for strengthening the identity of our community. In a few days we should know the results of the first competition “Excellence Initiative – Research University”. I am convinced that the Nicolaus Copernicus University will be among the few Polish universities that will receive the status of a research university. This is not only prestige. These are completely new opportunities for development, increasing scientific effectiveness and international cooperation, and finally attracting the most talented students and the best scientists.
A special highlight of the ceremony was the awarding of the title of doctor honoris causa to Professor Norman Davies. An outstanding British historian gave an opening lecture on “History, Science and Humanities“, during which he recalled, among others, his first visit to Toruń and his meeting with Prof. Karol Górski, an outstanding medievalist from the Nicolaus Copernicus University.
Traditionally, the ceremony was accompanied by the matriculation of first-year students. On behalf of colleagues, representatives of the faculties that achieved the best results during the recruitment process took the oath before the Rector. The academic community also welcomed students beginning their education at the University Secondary School.
The beginning of the academic year was also an opportunity to award prizes and distinctions to the University’s research staff. They were awarded to: Prof. dr habil. Marek Polasik from the Faculty of Chemistry and a team of employees of the Faculty of Pharmacy composed of Prof. dr habil. Ryszard Oliński, dr habil. Daniel Gackowski, NCU Prof., dr habil. Marek Foksiński, Ncu Prof., dr Ewelina Zarakowska, dr habil. Tomasz Dziaman, NCU Prof., and dr Jolanta Guz. Moreover, the Rector granted a special award for special achievements of importance for the development of the University. It was awarded to Prof. dr. habil. Maria Lewicka from the Department of Psychology and Prof. dr. habil. Jędrzej Jaśkowski from the Veterinary Centre.
The titles of the Best Graduate, Best Student and Best Student-Sportsperson in the academic year 2018/2019 were also awarded to: Leszek Dąbrowski, a graduate of Tourism and Recreation, Beata Zjawin, a student of Physics at the Faculty of Physics, Astronomy and Applied Informatics, and Aneta Rygielska, a participant of the dual-track student-athlete career program, Polish champion and European vice-champion in boxing.